In the deepest white light, shines a black diamond that casts no dark shadow

I love it when someone values what he or she has and learns to value his or her possession; make do with what they have in their life. I want those people around me, i treasure them and like to live among them, spent time with them.
Even if they can’t spent time with me, knowing what they are doing with their time and life, I find it kind of inspiring, soothing; kind of satisfying 😄😄😄
Always craving for something more let your eyes off what you have in your hand. You always feel empty or lesser. It makes life suffocating, dull and dissatisfying. It feels like you are running around in circle, accomplished nothing yet you had dreams to fulfill, places to go, things you could have achieved. You feel like you are always failing which lessens your confidence even more and starts leading you towards real failure.
So treasure what you have, make do with what you have and you will have more. You will never run out of anything.

May Allah grant me this wish, wish i only have people around me who value their own possession all the time. Amin…